Sunday, August 24, 2008

Boxers & more...

Well, the morning started early for a few dedicated leaders - Operation Boxer Shorts III had been put into play and completed this morning. The operation was very successful - in all 7 youth were kidnapped from their homes/beds/sleep - we took them on a short adventure before feeding them breakfast and taking them to worship. So, my day started with boxers....

Then the "more" entered the picture - a busy day was a head....why on earth do we do things like Op Boxer Shorts on the same day as the B2SB? Anyway - the rest of the day was filled with lots of air and water....a dunk tanks (that's the water) and an inflatable obstacle course (that's the air) mix that in with several dozen youth and leaders and it's a recipe for a night of fun. A lot of work - but it's worth it.

So, not much of an intellectual post - but I'm fried - and my hand is in pain - from a jambed finger to a burn from my quick attempts to come to the aid of an injured youth. Prayers for you injured youth - i hope things get better soon. For now, I sign off - and head to my bed if I listen intently I think i can hear it calling my name......nope, wait - that's just the voices starting to talk in my head! Night.


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