We've made the paper - there is a great article in the Estes Park Trail Gazette - each youth will be coming home with a copy of the printed version - but for the rest of you and the parents who want to read it now....check out the online article.
We'll be heading out tomorrow morning for our return trip to Lincoln. Don't forget the Mission Team will be leading worship at GSPC this Sunday at 10:30 and Nov 9th at First Pres. We hope you'll join us to worship and learn about our trip.
My little corner of the world. A place to share my thoughts, ideas, reflections and whatever else...
Friday, October 31, 2008
It is finished...
Today we finished our work projects. The youth were so excited to finish what they had started - and let me tell you the leaders are proud of each of them.
Again, another great campfire tonight - the tables turned a bit and the youth had a chance to ask questions of the leaders - some great questions were asked.
Also, as I reported earlier in the week we had some reporters from the local paper our this week and a story will be running on our groups efforts here in Estes this week. We will be bringing home extra copies (one for each youth) so look for that when they get home so you can see the pictures and stories.
Tomorrow morning the youth will be having a Sabbath - a time to rest and take in what they have experienced this week. After lunch we'll be diving into more of our fun day activities. For now though I must get to finishing touches on a worship bulletin for Sunday.
Again, another great campfire tonight - the tables turned a bit and the youth had a chance to ask questions of the leaders - some great questions were asked.
Also, as I reported earlier in the week we had some reporters from the local paper our this week and a story will be running on our groups efforts here in Estes this week. We will be bringing home extra copies (one for each youth) so look for that when they get home so you can see the pictures and stories.
Tomorrow morning the youth will be having a Sabbath - a time to rest and take in what they have experienced this week. After lunch we'll be diving into more of our fun day activities. For now though I must get to finishing touches on a worship bulletin for Sunday.
Thursday, October 30, 2008
It's Early
I'm sitting on the floor of my room - stalling to go shower and get ready for the day - as if sitting here will give me more sleep or something. It's inevitable - breakfast is at 7 regardless of how long one stalls or tries to sleep just 5 more minutes.
Today, is our last day of work (or service as we like to call it). We will be heading up to our service site one last time. On today's list (as far as we know) fire mitigation. We've already helped "mitigate" 5-6 (or maybe more) loads of firewood that will be distributed to low-income families in the area to help heat their homes this winter. I think the kids are proud of this project they've been working on.
After 3 today we'll be done - and ready to rest and have a little fun to celebrate. Pray for the team today - as even with tired muscles and minds we will stay focused - in order to get the project completed but also that we will be mindful of safety as well.
Okay, I've stalled long enough - plus my little container of Apple Jacks is almost gone - time to face another beautiful day in the mountians.
Today, is our last day of work (or service as we like to call it). We will be heading up to our service site one last time. On today's list (as far as we know) fire mitigation. We've already helped "mitigate" 5-6 (or maybe more) loads of firewood that will be distributed to low-income families in the area to help heat their homes this winter. I think the kids are proud of this project they've been working on.
After 3 today we'll be done - and ready to rest and have a little fun to celebrate. Pray for the team today - as even with tired muscles and minds we will stay focused - in order to get the project completed but also that we will be mindful of safety as well.
Okay, I've stalled long enough - plus my little container of Apple Jacks is almost gone - time to face another beautiful day in the mountians.
Late, Long, Love
It's Late!
It's been a Long day!
I Love what God did through everything today.
Summary - great weather, okay food (every other day it's been great - today just an off day for the kitchen), awesome opportunities to see God, more work accomplished, several minor injuries (cuts, bruises and blisters), and a way-cool (rock-your-face-off) campfire!
Ask your youth about "Called to Share."
I'm out,
It's been a Long day!
I Love what God did through everything today.
Summary - great weather, okay food (every other day it's been great - today just an off day for the kitchen), awesome opportunities to see God, more work accomplished, several minor injuries (cuts, bruises and blisters), and a way-cool (rock-your-face-off) campfire!
Ask your youth about "Called to Share."
I'm out,
Wednesday, October 29, 2008
Called To Worship
It's Tuesday - actually in Nebraska it's Wednesday now - but we're talking about Tuesday!
Today we focused on some hard work and we finished our day by introducing our next them of "Called To Worship."
It really started when we all sat down as a team and really hammered out the worship plans for the next two Sunday's (reminder worship at GSPC on Nov 2 and at First on Nov 9)...you should be proud of these youth - they put together the worship service in just one evening - and the quality is great - I can't wait for you to experience this opportunity to come before God under the leadership of your teens.
We then transitioned into our campfire - we talked a lot about worshiping God in whatever our circumstances - good times and bad God wants our worship. I think they got it - I really do, tonight was another powerful night, God was really at work in a handful of our teens tonight - several came up to leaders seeking a listening ear or help answering some of the questions we posed to them....pray that God will continue to work in their hearts and that they would be open to His Calling for them.
Time to hit the sack - until tomorrow....
Today we focused on some hard work and we finished our day by introducing our next them of "Called To Worship."
It really started when we all sat down as a team and really hammered out the worship plans for the next two Sunday's (reminder worship at GSPC on Nov 2 and at First on Nov 9)...you should be proud of these youth - they put together the worship service in just one evening - and the quality is great - I can't wait for you to experience this opportunity to come before God under the leadership of your teens.
We then transitioned into our campfire - we talked a lot about worshiping God in whatever our circumstances - good times and bad God wants our worship. I think they got it - I really do, tonight was another powerful night, God was really at work in a handful of our teens tonight - several came up to leaders seeking a listening ear or help answering some of the questions we posed to them....pray that God will continue to work in their hearts and that they would be open to His Calling for them.
Time to hit the sack - until tomorrow....
Tuesday, October 28, 2008
12:24 @ Home
Just thought I'd post quick before heading to bed. We had a great evening - with a group activity and then a great campfire. It was a bit warmer this evening so campfire seemed a bit more enjoyable. Tonight we introduced our "Called From Sin" them - I have a feeling some interesting conversations will follow in Small Groups tomorrow morning. Please pray for each of the youth as they continue to open up in their small groups as well as grow in relationship with each other and their Creator. Good night Lincoln, good night Estes - we'll see you tomorrow.
Monday, October 27, 2008
4 more buses
The morning came early - too early!
Nonetheless we got out of bed and prepared for our first day of work. This is one of the views from our rooms and the admin building. After breakfast and some Quiet Time and Small Groups we headed out to our work sites. Part of our group headed to Victims Advocacy Center to spend the morning helping them finish up some projects needing completion. The others went further up the mountain to do some fire mitigation (not sure what that is Google it). This afternoon we all worked on the fire mitigation.
Up at Mountain Side Lodge we spent time helping to remove ground fuel to prevent fires. The great thing is that all the wood we gathered will be chopped down to fire wood size and distributed to residents in Estes who cannot afford basic utilities this winter.
We are happy to have greeted 4 bus loads of Jr. High youth who are here on an Outdoor Ed trip. Word has it they leave Wed...then another group comes in. We're so glad to have these new neighbors living in our building. Pray for us & them!
We're off to dinner - more later!
Sunday, October 26, 2008
more thoughts before bed...
a few things I just learned....
One, the cups here are compostable (which is not a word, but Colorado makes up what they want!) Don't throw them away, don't recycle them - just pitch it in the compost pile.
Art is expensive - one of our youth just completed a $15 piece of poster sized art with Captain Planet. I can't figure out which is worse, that he's been charged $15 or that it's Captain Planet...
Water costs $1/8 ounces, or $2 downstairs, or FREE out of the faucet....but not here just at the Hyatt.
Lastly, got a question for our youth? Comment on this post and we'll see about getting some answers from the group.
From the mountains,
One, the cups here are compostable (which is not a word, but Colorado makes up what they want!) Don't throw them away, don't recycle them - just pitch it in the compost pile.
Art is expensive - one of our youth just completed a $15 piece of poster sized art with Captain Planet. I can't figure out which is worse, that he's been charged $15 or that it's Captain Planet...
Water costs $1/8 ounces, or $2 downstairs, or FREE out of the faucet....but not here just at the Hyatt.
Lastly, got a question for our youth? Comment on this post and we'll see about getting some answers from the group.
From the mountains,
Eagle Cliff
It's been a LOOOOOOOOOOONG day!
So many hours on a bus - so much fun. Within 30 minutes of pulling out of Lincoln the entire bus was peacefully sleeping....it was so beautiful. :-) Then they woke up.....
Anyway we're here - we've moved into our Eagle Cliff lodge - our home for the week. We've also unloaded in our meeting room. Dinner was AMAZING - great food and all you can eat, great for the hungry teens.
The youth all met for the first time in their small groups and then headed to a COLD campfire. We talked about being Called to Live and how we each have a gift to be used. The cold has worn off and we're back at the Cliff, getting ready for bed and looking towards our first day of work projects.
Well, for this tired youth worker - I'm singing off - tomorrow holds a full day of work and so much more. see ya on the other side!
So many hours on a bus - so much fun. Within 30 minutes of pulling out of Lincoln the entire bus was peacefully sleeping....it was so beautiful. :-) Then they woke up.....
Anyway we're here - we've moved into our Eagle Cliff lodge - our home for the week. We've also unloaded in our meeting room. Dinner was AMAZING - great food and all you can eat, great for the hungry teens.
The youth all met for the first time in their small groups and then headed to a COLD campfire. We talked about being Called to Live and how we each have a gift to be used. The cold has worn off and we're back at the Cliff, getting ready for bed and looking towards our first day of work projects.
Well, for this tired youth worker - I'm singing off - tomorrow holds a full day of work and so much more. see ya on the other side!
The wheels on the bus...

The wheels on the bus are going round and round...all the way to Colorado
Okay, so it doesn't fit as well in the song - but that's where we're at....on the bus headed to Colorado for a week of Mission work and so much more. This morning we were up and at the church by 6am - on the bus by 7 and headed West.
We hope as we embark on "the Calling" that you will continue to check in with us here and keep us in your thoughts and prayers. See you soon!
Saturday, October 25, 2008
Going to the Polls
It's about time for all voting Americans to head to the polls to place our votes for the next President. I've had a number of people ask me "who are you voting for?" And as I think I'm getting closer to figuring that out - I'm not quite sure yet.
You see there are many options, McCain, Obama, Mickey Mouse, Dave Ramsey, or any number of other possible write-in candidates. If I were 35 years old, my decision would be easy - I'd run! Why? Well, cuz I think I'd do a better job, even without any political background, running this country than either of our two likely candidates.
So, since I'm not 35, Mickey Mouse is not really an option and last I heard Dave Ramsey doesn't want to run where does one turn. Well, the first place - especially for Christians should be to PRAYER. We should earnestly seek God's guidance in selecting our leaders. After much prayer - we should turn to our own discernment and leading of our hearts.
It's things like our economy and this fun little 2012 Letter that make me wonder about the future state of our nation. Like my financial planner says, the economy is in the hands of us - the individuals - anyone waiting for the government to fix our economy has along wait ahead. So, I can put that "fear" to rest - as I don't really fear where our economy is going - if I take care of my own financial state then I have nothing more to worry about.
So, what about the thoughts of many that one candidate is going to "ruin our country?" We've heard these comments said about each parties candidate and I think it's worth paying attention too. If there is an accusation out there - then we owe it to ourselves to research it (ourselves) before we vote.
What worries me most is not who is put into office but the voters, I've heard countless people make statements like "I'm voting for Obama - because we're ready for a black president," or "I'm voting for McCain, because he won't live through his term and then we'll have our female president." Honestly, both are flat out stupid comments to make. Just because he's black does not mean you should vote for him - don't let it be a reason to NOT vote for him - but vote because you feel God's led you to that candidate. And don't assume you know when someone is going to die!
Bottom line - you have a right to vote - so if you're old enough vote - if you can and you don't then no complaining from you. Vote for who God has led you to vote for!
You see there are many options, McCain, Obama, Mickey Mouse, Dave Ramsey, or any number of other possible write-in candidates. If I were 35 years old, my decision would be easy - I'd run! Why? Well, cuz I think I'd do a better job, even without any political background, running this country than either of our two likely candidates.
So, since I'm not 35, Mickey Mouse is not really an option and last I heard Dave Ramsey doesn't want to run where does one turn. Well, the first place - especially for Christians should be to PRAYER. We should earnestly seek God's guidance in selecting our leaders. After much prayer - we should turn to our own discernment and leading of our hearts.
It's things like our economy and this fun little 2012 Letter that make me wonder about the future state of our nation. Like my financial planner says, the economy is in the hands of us - the individuals - anyone waiting for the government to fix our economy has along wait ahead. So, I can put that "fear" to rest - as I don't really fear where our economy is going - if I take care of my own financial state then I have nothing more to worry about.
So, what about the thoughts of many that one candidate is going to "ruin our country?" We've heard these comments said about each parties candidate and I think it's worth paying attention too. If there is an accusation out there - then we owe it to ourselves to research it (ourselves) before we vote.
What worries me most is not who is put into office but the voters, I've heard countless people make statements like "I'm voting for Obama - because we're ready for a black president," or "I'm voting for McCain, because he won't live through his term and then we'll have our female president." Honestly, both are flat out stupid comments to make. Just because he's black does not mean you should vote for him - don't let it be a reason to NOT vote for him - but vote because you feel God's led you to that candidate. And don't assume you know when someone is going to die!
Bottom line - you have a right to vote - so if you're old enough vote - if you can and you don't then no complaining from you. Vote for who God has led you to vote for!
Friday, October 17, 2008
Today I've got three missions on my mind, well maybe four! This seems to be a running theme for the month of October.
This Sunday at WAVE we're going to talk about "being made for a mission" and unpacking what that really means for each of us. So, in putting my finishing touches on my talk for WAVE I'm also thinking about my own individual mission - what is mine?
Then the other two come down to actual mission trips. One leaving tomorrow for Calvin Crest. Our Young Adults will spend their Fall break giving back to the camp that many of them grew up at. Then in about a week our Jr & Sr High youth will board a bus bound for Estes Park - where they will spend their fall break (a full week) serving in the community of Estes.
I would ask for your help with this - simply PRAY! Pray for those trying to find their "mission." Knowing all of us have the same overall mission - but for finding their specific piece of that puzzle. Then, pray for those going to serve on these two trips. Lastly, I'd ask that you pray for the three young people I've encountered in the last week or so that are discerning a call to Full Time ministry - wow what a mission!
Striving To Serve,
This Sunday at WAVE we're going to talk about "being made for a mission" and unpacking what that really means for each of us. So, in putting my finishing touches on my talk for WAVE I'm also thinking about my own individual mission - what is mine?
Then the other two come down to actual mission trips. One leaving tomorrow for Calvin Crest. Our Young Adults will spend their Fall break giving back to the camp that many of them grew up at. Then in about a week our Jr & Sr High youth will board a bus bound for Estes Park - where they will spend their fall break (a full week) serving in the community of Estes.
I would ask for your help with this - simply PRAY! Pray for those trying to find their "mission." Knowing all of us have the same overall mission - but for finding their specific piece of that puzzle. Then, pray for those going to serve on these two trips. Lastly, I'd ask that you pray for the three young people I've encountered in the last week or so that are discerning a call to Full Time ministry - wow what a mission!
Striving To Serve,
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