The morning came early - too early!
Nonetheless we got out of bed and prepared for our first day of work. This is one of the views from our rooms and the admin building. After breakfast and some Quiet Time and Small Groups we headed out to our work sites. Part of our group headed to Victims Advocacy Center to spend the morning helping them finish up some projects needing completion. The others went further up the mountain to do some fire mitigation (not sure what that is Google it). This afternoon we all worked on the fire mitigation.
Up at Mountain Side Lodge we spent time helping to remove ground fuel to prevent fires. The great thing is that all the wood we gathered will be chopped down to fire wood size and distributed to residents in Estes who cannot afford basic utilities this winter.
We are happy to have greeted 4 bus loads of Jr. High youth who are here on an Outdoor Ed trip. Word has it they leave Wed...then another group comes in. We're so glad to have these new neighbors living in our building. Pray for us & them!
We're off to dinner - more later!
1 comment:
Hope you were able to sleep with your new "neighbors". Sounds like a busy day.
Prayin'4 U all!
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