He asks; "What wisdom would we impart to the world if we knew it was our last chance?" So, how about it - what would you say?
Here is some of what Randy says 'he knows:'
- Time must be explicitly managed, like money
- You can always change your plan, but only if you have one.
- Ask yourself: 'are you spending your time on the right things?'
- Develop a good filing system
- Rethink the telephone (you'll have to read the book for more on this one!)
- Never make a decision until you have to
- If you have a question - then find the answer
- Just because you're in the drivers seat doesn't man you have to run people over
- Don't complain, just work harder
- Don't obsess over what people think
- Look for the best in everybody (and I would add - everything)
- Tell the truth
- Get in touch with your crayon box
- No job is beneath you
- Never give up
- Make a Decision: Tigger or Eeyore
I think this will be a book I'll have to pick up on occasion and re-read. Yes, it's that good!
afaic ibstb asap
I like that bit about are you spending your time on the right things. I wonder how many people have stopped and taken the time to examine their lives...to ask that deep question in relationship to their family, friends, and more importantly...God.
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