Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Jacob's Well

Well it's been a bit too long since I last posted here...and I just had a great meeting with a new friend and partner in ministry.

I met Mark through a mutual friend and the three of us sat down to talk about Jacob's Well over lunch today.

Mark has a great passion and a call from God to do ministry in Lincoln - I'd love to tell you all about it - but first you should check out the ministry's web page.

I especially would love to direct any youth workers (paid or volunteer) who might live outside of Lincoln who might be looking for an amazing mission trip opportunity this summer. Mark and his team will be hosting a day-camp all summer long and they've designed a really sweet mission trip program to bring in youth groups to help run the day camp and minister to the neighborhood they're living in.

Seriously, if you're a youth worker or if you know of one - check out Jacob's Well and give Mark a call or drop me a line - I'd love to give you a reference for both Mark and the ministry God has laid on his heart.


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