Second update from the Magical Mystery Tour 2013...
It was such an amazing day - we're still in St. Jo, I kind of feel like maybe this is where we're supposed to stay through the remainder of the trip - but I guess time & God will tell.
We've kind of claimed this little area near the pool as our gathering point and it's where I started my day and oddly enough where I'm ending my day. I came down this morning around 7am to get a jump on things and see what might be out there in St. Jo for our team to go and serve. As I walked into the pool area I met Sharon, a woman who works here at the hotel. As she was leaving to continue her work I told her what we are up to on our trip and asked if she knew of anyone, or anyplace we might be of service today. She went to talk to a co-worker and said she'd be back.
I went about my search online to find some service agencies we could call. I came up with quite a list and was really hopeful and then Sharon came back in. She gave me two numbers to call - one an organization and the other of a lady who used to work here that she thought might need some help. The team had breakfast and we split up the lists to start making calls - the goal, gather in 15 minutes and see what we'd found. The first list (the one I found online) came back a big least for the morning. The organization Sharon gave us - closed on Monday's. Last shot - calling the woman Sharon thought would need help.
One of the guys picked up the phone and within minutes the lady had invited us to her home...confirmation we needed to stay put another day. We found the place and immediately our guys were all over it...half stayed there to begin work while the other half headed to buy supplies. Several hours and multiple trips to Menards later we'd done all that we could do today. ALthough they had hoped to completely finish the work the woman needed done the rain prevented us for doing so (who knows - maybe tomorrow).
So we packed up and headed back to the hotel. After spending the afternoon back and forth in the cold rain the guys warmed up at the pool, sauna and hot tub. We had a fantastic dinner (thanks Pizza Hut) and spent about two hours just sitting around talking about God, and more.
Such an amazing day of ministry and witnessing the hand of God on this trip and this team. Can't wait to see what tomorrow brings. Your continued prayers are greatly appreciated.
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