In most ways it's a typical Wednesday morning for me. I'm out of the house a bit earlier than other days, and I enjoy a nice, for the most part - drive downtown. I'm headed to one of my favorite coffee shops. Pulling into the parking garage (cuz the first hours free) I grab my bag and head down the steps - for what I think will be a bit of quite time before my 8am meeting.
Each Wednesday I meet with a small group of college-age guys for some fellowship and whatever else happens - usually some riveting discussion about something pertinent to life.
Some weeks when I hit the ground level of the parking garage and walk towards the street I see anywhere from one to three guys, I'm assuming homeless, sitting near the entrance. They usually don't even look up from their conversations - but on occasion we exchange hellos, or good mornings. Today was a bit different - there was no one sitting there, but I saw one of them walking down the sidewalk. as we passed he asked if I could spare fifty cents.
I said, no, but I thought I could spare a dollar - you see most times I know how much cash I'm carrying - I could have swore there was one dollar left in my wallet. As I pulled it out I was a bit embarrassed, as I had just gotten his hopes I had nothing. He said, that's okay, told me to have a good day and I did the good Christian thing and said sorry and God bless.
I was halfway across the street - coffee shop and quite time within reach, and something stopped me dead in my tracks, before I could even think I heard the words leaving my mouth as I turned back towards the man - "do you want a cup of coffee?" I knew I didn't have any cash, but I did have a form of plastic in my wallet. He perked up and said, "no - but can I have tea, I'm more of a tea guy."
Hey, whatever you want. He joined me in the middle of the street and we made our way into the coffee shop. And he got a cup of green tea!
Who will you stop and buy a cup of tea for today?
That's awesome babe!!! Especially on this cold morning.
(Also, you misspelled quiet two times :-D)
Thanks for sharing your story Chris. While a warm cup of coffee or tea isn't something I'd enjoy, I'm glad to hear that someone enjoyed the warmth.
Thanks for making me weep.
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