Saturday, May 30, 2009

Summer Ideas (101)

Was doing some reading and came across some ideas for things to do this summer (as far as youth group gatherings go) read 'em and let me know what you think...

FAST FOOD FRIDAYS ~ pretty self explanatory...a different fast food joint each time and an opportunity for you to come hang out with some of your WAVE peers...

PARK DAYS ~ pack a picnic lunch and come hang out at the park

ADOPT A BLOCK ~ pick a block in the church neighborhood to adopt for the summer...check in with the neighbors and see what small tasks they have that we could help them with this summer. (weeds, mowing, washing cars, sweeping garage, etc...)

YAC ~ Youth After Church - we've done it before, an opportunity to go grab a bit to eat after worship on a Sunday.

There ya have it - maybe you've got more suggestions, if so - leave them in the comments....if not just let me know what your thoughts are on each of these.


Thursday, May 28, 2009

100th Post

Welcome to the 100th post on Chris' Corner. It was about nine months ago that I started this venture - so by my calculations that is about 11 posts per month.

Here are a few of my favorites:

To Soon, Yet Timed Just Right
~ this was a sad day, but it's given me some new perspective on a relationship with the caller, as well as on some more important things in life and in ministry.

How is your breathing?
~ although this one was written for the Oct mission team - I think it applies to each of us in our walk with Christ - something we need to be reminded of often.

your cross
~ this is probably in my top 3 - something I've reflected on many times since I wrote it - I hope you'll take a look!

Trouble ~ also in the top 3 I love reflecting on Yac's writings & thoughts.

50 things to do ~ my 50th post

Can We Go Out and Pray?
~ this was a post I wrote after a youth lock-in, made me laugh!

& there are others, but I didn't want to re-post some of the more recent ones.

In honor of the 100th post I'm going for 100 posts in 100 days - so stay tuned over the next 100 for another 100 posts (anything from our upcoming missions camp, summer prep work for a Fall kick-off, an interview with my intern and much more.)

See you soon,

Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Tuesday's Two-Cents

thoughts about the past week(end) ~ it was so great to have a long weekend...most of it was spent at home - we managed to get more unpacked and our kitchen semi-put back together...after the minor construction last week (thanks Doug & Brian). So, I've finally got the kitchen the way I want it. Spent a good amount of time outside as well - mowing, planting, and other yard work - felt good to get it done.

Saturday night Steph and I were out at Haymarket Park for the Saltdogs - sadly they lost, but still a good game. Sunday we went to the Old Cheney farmers market and picked up a few things. Monday we hung out with some friends and saw a movie (Angels & Demons) and then grilled some burgers. All in all a great weekend!

this weeks to dos ~ a very busy week - we end our Sr. DIVE for the year this Wednesday with a Pizza Party, lots of mission trip prep to get done this week (we leave in just over two weeks). This summer I'll be having an Intern working with me (Joey) he starts tomorrow and then has a few weeks off for a summer class...looking forward to his being around this summer.

I'll also likely spend some time working on leader recruitment for next Fall. With some changes in programs we'll be having some different leadership needs. As we end most of our programs for the year - this week will see the kick-off for FUEL ~ a brand new young adult ministry designed and hosted by the Big 4 (Eastridge, First, Good Shepperd, & Southern Heights Presbyterian churches) - we're excited for where this group will be going in the coming year.

book I'm reading ~ technically none right now - however I'm going to go back and re-read two favorites "I am not, but I know I AM" by Louie Giglio - I want a refresher on this one before our missions camp & "Don't Rock the Boat Capsize It; Loving the church too much to leave it the way it is" - this is one of my fav recent books and I've decided to read it and blog about it on the way. I think it will offer some tough things for the church (us) to mull over. I just hope there are some other "church lovers" who will capsize with me. :-)

think about a thought ~ what do your choices show that you value? Really?

Scripture to skim ~ I Timothy 4:12

Thursday, May 21, 2009

I'm Un-American

Tonight I was told that I was un-American! Here is what happened and why I think it's absolutely hilarious.

Two days ago in the mail we got one of those promotional fliers with a car key attached from a local car dealer. Normally I wouldn't have thought twice about it - but my wife, Stephanie thought what the heck we could win a free new car. Well, we like free so while we were out tonight we stopped in to the dealership.

A salesman sits us down at the table and starts to fill out this "entry form" (I'm convinced it's just so they can call us later to try and sell a car) anyway he asks what kind of cars we have. We kindly inform him that we have a Toyota Yaris and a Camry. He asked if we won the new car if we'd be trading in one of our own. Then he asked what I'd want to trade for. I told him what I 'want' (note; want not a need) and then he asked what year. Moving on - he continued to do his job - trying to sell me a car.

Stephanie pointed out to him that we really weren't interested in buying another car as we currently have NO CAR PAYMENTS (translation; NO DEBT) He laughed and said that was un-American. The American way was to have car loans, insurance bills, 3 credit cards and so many bills you could hardly keep up. He said, I suppose you're debt free.

Stephanie and I both said, happily - other than our house payment and the last student loan debt - we were debt free. And if that makes me un-American then I'm happy to be.

Thank you Dave Ramsey! :-)

Sidebar: I don't feel un-American as my financial adviser would say if Debt is normal Be weird so I guess the translation in this story is that Debt is American, be un-American?!

Almost Debt free and Loving it,

Slow moving

It's funny that it's been almost a month since Stephanie and I moved into our new house.

Our part in "stimulating the economy" has slowed down - thankfully. We have a few "big purchases" to make but those will wait until we receive our $8K tax credit.

Even with a slow down in purchases the work seems to not be getting anywhere. I know that we are - that slowly we're getting more things put away or hung up or 'just where we want them' but it's slow. Recently we got some advice from some other fairly new home owners - they said whatever you do - do not lose motivation - or you'll be 6 months down the road or a year and still not have things done.

In looking to the Fall when we move some of our Student Ministries around I think things will be a bit slow. We'll have to pause and adjust to the changes and the move. We'll have to slowly unpack things and get things 'just where we want them' for our ministries. I think it will be a time (as is every fall) where we have the usual motivation of a new school year and new programs and we'll need to continue to hold on to that as we as a family continue to adjust to the move.

So, as we continue to head into summer and let's start to pack up and get ready for our exciting new move this fall. Let's take it slow and stay motivated.

Trusting Him,

Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Tuesday's Two-Cents

thoughts about the past week(end) ~ we had our End of Year Camping Trip with the senior high youth - it was a great change to get away for a night with a great group of youth. lots of laughs! Sunday was spent taking a bit of a nap and some shopping to restock our kitchen cupboards - then we had some friends over for dinner on the grill!

this weeks to dos ~ well I have a lot to do around the house - still getting things settled - need to spend some time getting the check book caught up. A few meetings (mission trip prep, TEC, etc...), our final RIPPLE for the year on Wed and a baseball game Saturday night.

tunes that triggered ~ got the latest YLO box this week and I have to say the latest from Newsboys caught my attention - check it out.

thoughts on the coming week ~ I'd really like to break in our fire pit sometime this week - just don't know when that will fit in - plus I've gotta find some firewood. I'm looking forward to it though it's gonna go quick lots to do in a short amount of time.

Scripture to skim ~ lets try something different this week - you tell me what you're reading...

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

School's Out

I was reading the news this morning and as a Youth Worker the headline caught my attention:

Proposed 2010-'11 LPS Calendar ~ go ahead check it out.

I'm kind of curious as to some of the results, why 1st Semester can't end before Christmas (er, I mean Winter) break - as other districts do. I'm excited for the possibility of LPS actually letting it's students out before Memorial day. Next up, Seniors getting out early, I've also heard from a teacher friend (in another large district) that their seniors don't have to take finals for the last semester.....

so, what are your thoughts on LPS' annual school calendar? how would you like to see things....


Ready to Move

Change is Hard....

Okay now that we have that out of the is a look at my observations and experiences on this BIG change in my life over the last several months.
It's been about six months since this journey, this change, really got underway when we talked with our Realtor (Mary) and said we wanted to buy a house!

For several months we spent many evenings and weekends with Mary looking at houses. Some of our options were, well they were pretty sad. Eventually we found ourselves having gone back to one house to walk through 3 times. This seemed to be the one - if only the seller would come down a bit in price.

Long story short the offers were exchanged and eventually we agreed on a sale price. This seemed to be the beginning of the end of this long journey and a BIG change in our lives. We were going from almost 3 years of apartment living to actually owning our own house. Wow, a BIG change for us.

So, closing and moving day comes and goes like any other day - except that this one is filled with lots of boxes and a lot of change! The point I want to drive home here is that change can be big, it can be tough to adjust to and it can be uncomfortable at times. Especially when we're used to "always doing it the old way."

As Stephanie and I continue to adjust to the changes in renting verse owning (and trust me overall I'll take the owning a house over renting an apartment any day) I hope you'll join me as we at Good Shepherd prepare to make some changes. I'm specifically talking in relation to our Student Ministries. This fall we'll see some pretty BIG changes around our church home:

  • WAVE is moving....only 71.5 hours later...our main youth group will begin meeting at 5:30 on Wednesday's on August 26th
  • With WAVE making a move we're also going to see DIVE moving...beginning this fall we'll see DIVE (both Jr. & Sr.) making a new home on Sunday evenings.
  • RIPPLE will keep the same night (Wed) but times will be adjusted to fit with other all church programming.
  • Over the past years we've seen several changes in our Young Adults (18-23) programming and we're hoping our move this Fall will be a more permanent move as we strive to figure out how to best reach and minister to this important group. Watch for details on FUEL and other young adult options coming soon.
Okay, so that's a lot of change - and sometimes change is hard. In the long run I feel it will be a great and beneficial move for our Student Ministries and for Good Shepherd as a whole. So, hang on tight cuz we're packing and getting ready to move. I hope you'll join the Christian Ed Committee, our Student Leadership teams and myself as we prepare for this exciting time in the life of our congregation.

Trusting Him,

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Tuesday's Two-Cents

thoughts about the past week(end) ~ it was a busy one - spent most of the weekend out in the yard getting some old plants out, new plants in and other yard work. we also spent time with family this weekend for mothers day.

this weeks to dos ~ enjoy some time 'off' today around the house, a possible quick trip up to Omaha, some meetings and this week and in the next few getting final preparations for the June Mission Trip.

tunes that triggered ~ still listening to Coffey

thoughts on the coming week ~ it's a bit busy!

Scripture to skim ~ pick your favorite Proverbs and read it again this week!

Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Tuesday's Two-Cents

thoughts about the past weekend ~ ummm still unpacking, getting settled and doing our part to stimulate the economy! I can't even recall what we did on which days....they're all running together...I guess that's the life of moving and getting a home setup.

this weeks to dos ~ a lot of prep work on the 2009 Summer Missions camp this week - we're just slightly over a month from departure. another couple meetings plus the usual ministry stuff. I'm hoping to spend my day off (today) getting more stuff done around the house - stop by and help out if you're bored!

book I'm reading ~ hmmm, I don't think those boxes are unpacked yet?!?

tunes that triggered ~ Coffey

Scripture to skim ~ Psalm 13