Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Tuesday's Two-Cents

thoughts about the past week(end) ~ it was so great to have a long weekend...most of it was spent at home - we managed to get more unpacked and our kitchen semi-put back together...after the minor construction last week (thanks Doug & Brian). So, I've finally got the kitchen the way I want it. Spent a good amount of time outside as well - mowing, planting, and other yard work - felt good to get it done.

Saturday night Steph and I were out at Haymarket Park for the Saltdogs - sadly they lost, but still a good game. Sunday we went to the Old Cheney farmers market and picked up a few things. Monday we hung out with some friends and saw a movie (Angels & Demons) and then grilled some burgers. All in all a great weekend!

this weeks to dos ~ a very busy week - we end our Sr. DIVE for the year this Wednesday with a Pizza Party, lots of mission trip prep to get done this week (we leave in just over two weeks). This summer I'll be having an Intern working with me (Joey) he starts tomorrow and then has a few weeks off for a summer class...looking forward to his being around this summer.

I'll also likely spend some time working on leader recruitment for next Fall. With some changes in programs we'll be having some different leadership needs. As we end most of our programs for the year - this week will see the kick-off for FUEL ~ a brand new young adult ministry designed and hosted by the Big 4 (Eastridge, First, Good Shepperd, & Southern Heights Presbyterian churches) - we're excited for where this group will be going in the coming year.

book I'm reading ~ technically none right now - however I'm going to go back and re-read two favorites "I am not, but I know I AM" by Louie Giglio - I want a refresher on this one before our missions camp & "Don't Rock the Boat Capsize It; Loving the church too much to leave it the way it is" - this is one of my fav recent books and I've decided to read it and blog about it on the way. I think it will offer some tough things for the church (us) to mull over. I just hope there are some other "church lovers" who will capsize with me. :-)

think about a thought ~ what do your choices show that you value? Really?

Scripture to skim ~ I Timothy 4:12

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