Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Tuesday's Two-Cents

thoughts about this past week(end) ~ it was busy and exhausting - we closed on our house on Thursday and immediately began moving - we spent the remainder of the day loading and unloading the moving truck. Friday was unpacking, organizing and flower planting (thanks mom). Saturday was more of the same. I think we went shopping everyday - there is a growing list (even after all that we've bought) of things we 'need' for the new home. Yes, some are really needs - some are "Steph & Chris wants." Sunday I had the opportunity to worship and hear a great sermon from a guest preacher (thanks Dave) and then it was back to more moving/house stuff before WAVE.

this weeks to dos ~ more unpacking, organizing and continuing to make our house our home! Oh and there seems to be some meetings this week too.

thoughts about the coming week ~ I hope to catch up on some sleep!

think about a thought ~ I can't think about a thought right now - so why should I ask you to?


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