Wednesday, June 30, 2010

'Seriously..." behind the scene part 2

...a day in the life of us..

5:55am wake up
6:00 am wake up call for the youth rooms
7:00 am breakfast
8:00 am All Team Devo, Morning Report, make lunches
8:45-9 am Depart for work site
9-3 work sites (break at noon for lunch, if there is errands to run - ie food to shop for, forgotten things to pick up we usually leave the work site a bit before the youth and get those picked up and back to camp0
3-5pm Free Time for the youth! For us it's time to plan campfire (see behind the scene part 3)
5:15 Dinner
6:00 pm Small Groups
7:00 pm Evening Activity (Volleyball, Kickball, Game night, Basketball, Worship planning, Talent Share)
8:45 pm Campfire
10:30 pm Head back to rooms/ready for bed
11:00 pm Lights Out (for the youth)
(often times there is something to do for us - a challenge to work through, conversation with a youth following campfire, or whatever else gets thrown our way!)

And that's a day (as typical as it can get) in the life of a leader on the Mission Trip.

Stay tuned for part 3 - how campfire comes together.

& remember if there is something you'd like to know a question answered, etc. just post in the comment and we'll be happy to respond.


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