Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Youth Ministry Took a Hit this Week

Youth Specialties (YS) is widely known in the Youth Ministry circuit as...well I don't even know how to describe them - they are one of the top "resource providers," training providers and supporters for those who have the privilege of serving in Youth Ministry.

This week YS announced that they are going through another re-structuring - this one doesn't seem as "happy" as the last. YS is letting go of 14 of it's staff. (keep in mind - YS is in comparison to most a small company). Although all 14 are equally important to the ministry of YS around the country and world one has hit close to home for most of us who consider YS a friend. Tic Long, the President of Events will be leaving the company in a few months. Tic has been 'the face of YS' for thousands of youth workers - when we think of YS we see Tic. He has been with YS for 32 years, giving of his time and God-given talent to minister to those of us who minister to youth.

Honestly I cannot put into words how important the ministry of YS is to many youth workers around the U.S. and beyond. They truly care about the hearts and souls of each of us they serve.

Although the state of our economy and country brings no need for panic (cuz ultimately in the end God has it all worked out) - we want to pause and refocus where we are putting our attention in these times. Not only is YS having to reduce staff, but there are stories emerging of some churches due to "giving being down" having to also cut staff - including their youth leaders.

Most will say I'm biased - but cutting Youth Workers is the same as cutting the teachers at our schools. They both play a vital role in the development of our future. I hope you will take a moment a pause to pray for some of my colleagues in ministry...those who have already lost their job....those who are on the brink of losing a job....and those of us who for the time being seem to be okay....PRAY that we will all focus on The One who matters most - The One who has control over EVERYTHING. PRAY that regardless of the situations around us, that for those of us Called to serve in ministry will remain obedient to our Call through the toughest of times.

Lastly, PRAY for the youth of our nation - yes, youth workers might lose their jobs - but who in the end will really lose? Our Youth!


Unknown said...

oh man this is not cool that the 14 people from YS got let go, it's sad that it always comes down to money.

Jeff said...

So true, so true! And it's amazing how much more pressure is put onto the education system-our teachers.
The same goes for youth ministry too, parents expect so much more from the school system to teach their children and so much is expected when it comes to their child's faith development-often forgetting the importance is in the home. It all starts in the home-what is said, shown, and re-enforced at home is how our youth act on/reflect.
It's true that Youth Ministry has taken a hit, but I can't imagine the families that are now living on one income or no income with children to feed (on an emotionally, physical, or spiritual nature) and care for.
Prayers are needed that's for sure...

pitcher12k said...

and pray we shall!(1 Thessalonians 5:17)
i hope that works...
hey it did! happy day.
haha Psalm 118