Thursday, January 7, 2010

from my journal...

today I felt I needed to share something I recently wrote in my journal...

An Invitation ~ Matt. 9:9-13

As Christian's we're supposed to (try to) be like Jesus.

So, why is it we 'circle the wagons' and choose to leave the 'outsider' out?
Out in the cold
Out of our church - which is really not ours to begin with
Out in the cruel world without the relationship we claim to have?

If The One we claim to follow came for outsiders (remember we were those outsiders once - actually in reality we're still outsiders...don't believe me? when was the last time you sinned?) why can't we go after them too?

It's what Jesus wants.

Why don't we talk to our friends (insert any of the following: neighbors, co-workers, stranger at the store, the person in the car behind us at the stop sign...) about Jesus....yes it's called Evangelism...why are we so afraid of it?

Why don't we hear/have the gospel presented in worship on Sunday's? (so when we do have our friends in worship they can hear about the greatest Gift God has ever given?)

Why don't we actually try to be like Jesus?

1 comment:

Jeff said...

I think it's interesting that the more we about our relationship to God...the more it becomes some watered down obligation. I mean that's what most 'Christ-followers' feel like. And the issue according to Francis Chan: 'the solution isn't to try harder, fail, and then make bigger promises, only to fail again. It does no good to muster up more love for God, to will yourself to love him more. When loving God become an obligation, one of many things we have to do, we end up focusing more on ourselves. No wonder so few people want to hear from us about what we ourselves feel is a boring, guilt-ridden chore!'
And lets use some of Christ's own words from Luke 5:27-32, 'It is not the healthy who need a doctor, but the sick. I have not come to call the righteous, but sinners to repentance.'
Even Peter had to explain himself in Acts 11 to the Jews in Jerusalem after hanging out with the Gentiles. I wonder if us Christians in the US realize we are Gentile Christians. I mean here's what the religious leaders said after Peter explained himself: 'So then, God has granted even the Gentiles repentance unto life.'
God has granted us all this opportunity yet there are those who would exclude others based on their clothes and ability to give financially...I don't think that's God's way of thinking...
*I will get off my soap box now...