Friday, January 29, 2010

Getting Fired For The Glory of God

"Getting Fired for the Glory of God" by Mike Yaconelli is a book full of truth. Truth that we all likely need to be reminded of ~ especially if you have any connection to youth ministry.

This is a collection of Mike's words for youth workers - but may I recommend that any youth leader, Sr. Pastor, elder board, parent or heck maybe even the youth themselves pick up this book.

It's a bunch of short stories with words of wisdom from a man who has "walked the halls of youth ministry." If it were not for Mike Yaconelli and the work God did through him, youth ministry would not be what it is today

Some 'nuggets' of wisdom from a few of his writings:
  • 'our ministry staff meetings are more like management meetings than prayer meetings...'
  • today's youth ministry culture is consumed with 'doing' rather than 'being'
  • we've forgotten the real bottom line: Our Souls
  • the trouble with modern Christianity is that we've tried to de-fang the truth.
  • discipleship is a lifelong process, not a youth activity.
  • '...ministry is dangerous. when you and I are trying to follow Jesus, we're going to get into trouble.'
  • Youth group is the perfect place for young people when their schedules permit, and when nothing else more important is going on.
  • why is it that youth groups never go to the opera, art museums, jazz festivals, ballet...poetry readings, or lectures?
  • why do so many youth ministries spend all their time talking about god instead of helping young people experience God?
  • Real ministry isn't what you do but who you are!
  • (& one of my favorites) My relationship with Jesus was assumed.

Please, pick this book up and give it a shot - parents, pastors, youth, congregation members, church leaders & of course Youth Leaders!


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