Wednesday, January 27, 2010

"The Last Lecture"

I just finished reading 'The Last Lecture' by Randy Paush. I'm so thankful to my friend Dave who recommended this reading. It's a fairly quick read - but one that you could spread out over time to let some of Randy's thoughts/teachings marinate a bit.

The last section is what really got to me when Randy described his wife coming on stage at the end of his last lecture and whispering to him 'please don't die.' The thing is we're all going to die - it's what we're going to do with our eternity. Randy had a chance to 'be purposeful' in his last months. He took his cancer diagnosis and made the best of it - saying at least this way he could have some closure and do/say the things he wanted to with his family and loved ones.

He asks; "What wisdom would we impart to the world if we knew it was our last chance?" So, how about it - what would you say?

Here is some of what Randy says 'he knows:'
  • Time must be explicitly managed, like money
  • You can always change your plan, but only if you have one.
  • Ask yourself: 'are you spending your time on the right things?'
  • Develop a good filing system
  • Rethink the telephone (you'll have to read the book for more on this one!)
  • Never make a decision until you have to
  • If you have a question - then find the answer
  • Just because you're in the drivers seat doesn't man you have to run people over
  • Don't complain, just work harder
  • Don't obsess over what people think
  • Look for the best in everybody (and I would add - everything)
  • Tell the truth
  • Get in touch with your crayon box
  • No job is beneath you
  • Never give up
  • Make a Decision: Tigger or Eeyore

I think this will be a book I'll have to pick up on occasion and re-read. Yes, it's that good!


Sean Pauley said...

afaic ibstb asap

Jeff said...

I like that bit about are you spending your time on the right things. I wonder how many people have stopped and taken the time to examine their ask that deep question in relationship to their family, friends, and more importantly...God.