Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Health Care $$$

We can all agree on at least one thing when it comes to health care in the U.S. It's expensive!
With or without insurance, medicaid or medicare, a full bank account or just barley getting by.

Bottom line - someone - somewhere will have a pretty hefty bill for health care!

So, I ask - how much would you be willing to pay?

Your best friend is in need - what would you pay to save their life?

What would you pay to save all of your friends lives?

What if, all things considered you could save thousands of lives with just a 'drop in the bucket'? Would you do it? Has God called you to save a life? Are you willing to endure the cost?

Whether it's physically, emotionally, mentally, or spiritually - are you prepared to use what God has given you to save the life of your friend? or the life of a complete stranger?

What will you do today - to save lives?

Just askin',

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