Friday, July 2, 2010

Final work day

We finished our work week this afternoon with three different work sites - 1/2 the group worked at a Habitat for Humanity neighborhood while the other 1/2 worked on various tasks at the fair grounds. After lunch we all headed to Wind River Ranch - a Christian Dude Ranch and helped them get several projects finished and some started.

The team put in over 600 man-hours this week at work sites - believe me the community of Estes is thankful for all of the hard work and service done this week.

We closed out our night with some awesome worship planning (join us 10am on July 11th for worship in the park at Antelope Park). & an amazing campfire! Great sharing and worship once again.

Tomorrow is our free day - a time for the youth to relax, celebrate and have some fun before heading home. We'll be hanging out at the Y-camp until mid-afternoon and then we'll hit up downtown Estes for some shopping, and dinner at Poppy's.

Have a great night & we'll talk again soon!


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