Saturday, October 25, 2008

Going to the Polls

It's about time for all voting Americans to head to the polls to place our votes for the next President. I've had a number of people ask me "who are you voting for?" And as I think I'm getting closer to figuring that out - I'm not quite sure yet.

You see there are many options, McCain, Obama, Mickey Mouse, Dave Ramsey, or any number of other possible write-in candidates. If I were 35 years old, my decision would be easy - I'd run! Why? Well, cuz I think I'd do a better job, even without any political background, running this country than either of our two likely candidates.

So, since I'm not 35, Mickey Mouse is not really an option and last I heard Dave Ramsey doesn't want to run where does one turn. Well, the first place - especially for Christians should be to PRAYER. We should earnestly seek God's guidance in selecting our leaders. After much prayer - we should turn to our own discernment and leading of our hearts.

It's things like our economy and this fun little 2012 Letter that make me wonder about the future state of our nation. Like my financial planner says, the economy is in the hands of us - the individuals - anyone waiting for the government to fix our economy has along wait ahead. So, I can put that "fear" to rest - as I don't really fear where our economy is going - if I take care of my own financial state then I have nothing more to worry about.

So, what about the thoughts of many that one candidate is going to "ruin our country?" We've heard these comments said about each parties candidate and I think it's worth paying attention too. If there is an accusation out there - then we owe it to ourselves to research it (ourselves) before we vote.

What worries me most is not who is put into office but the voters, I've heard countless people make statements like "I'm voting for Obama - because we're ready for a black president," or "I'm voting for McCain, because he won't live through his term and then we'll have our female president." Honestly, both are flat out stupid comments to make. Just because he's black does not mean you should vote for him - don't let it be a reason to NOT vote for him - but vote because you feel God's led you to that candidate. And don't assume you know when someone is going to die!

Bottom line - you have a right to vote - so if you're old enough vote - if you can and you don't then no complaining from you. Vote for who God has led you to vote for!

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