Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Tuesday's Two-Cents

thoughts about the past week(end) ~ a good yet tiring weekend - one lock-in, one super bowl party and little sleep. and of course yesterday was my 27th birthday - so all in all a good weekend spent with family, friends and a bunch of youth!

this weeks to dos ~ wow - where to begin...mission trip prep that NEEDS to get done this week, a few meetings, send out invites for a fund raising dinner, program prep for a few things, clean up from the weekend and....well the list goes on....

book I'm reading ~ ahh a bit slow in this department - working on Corinthians and finishing up another book I'm in the middle of.

tunes that triggered ~ I'm in a DCB mood - I guess getting myself ready for the worship experience with David next week.

thoughts on the coming week ~ it appears a bit daunting looking at my list of things to do - but I'm excited for the National Chinese Acrobats at the Lied this Friday.

think about a thought ~ how will you worship this week? (comment me let me know)

Scripture to skim ~ Genesis 3


Jeff said...

DCB is gonna rock your face off! I'm so pump it's crazy.
Concerning books...I'm almost done with Velvet Elvis, my goal is to have it done this week and then start on the newest Rob Bell book I bought.
Enjoy the entertainment tonight! Let me know how it is.

pitcher12k said...

the serpent lies in verse 4. Adam and Eve surely did die, because they ate the fruit. (fruit, not apple;) i wonder what they sewed the leaves with.. then the pointing fingers in verses 11-14 or so.. i think verse 16 can easily still be seen. 19 also. oh and 15.. CURBSTOMP!!! 21: i wonder what kind of skin.. not that it matters though. i wonder what verse 24 looks like... probably to wonderful for us to know/understand.