Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Tuesday's Two-Cents

thoughts about the past week(end) ~ it was long...which in most cases is good - but we spent everyday over the weekend working on replacing a retaining wall in our front yard. Never again will I take on a project like this...clay + roots + un-level ground + more roots = a crappy attempt at a wall! I'm sure once it's complete it will look all nice and such - but building it sucks!

this weeks to dos ~ back to work tomorrow, some meetings to get to and probably some more work on that darn wall.

thoughts on the coming week ~ at this point I don't really have any...just a lot of random thoughts running through my head!

think about a thought ~ check out my post below (What's your FIRST) and feel free to share your thoughts in a comment or an email this week - i'm really curious what you're thinking!

Scripture to skim ~ check out the Bible in a Year reading plan on GSPC's website www.goodsheppc.org

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