Sunday, September 6, 2009

What's your FIRST?

Everyone worships?

Don't believe me, follow along. Everyone has the same amount of minutes in the day, and days in the week. God has graciously given ALL of us the choice of how and where to spend our time.

So, take a look at where you spent your time in the past week - and - where you're planning to spend it in the next.

Wherever the majority of your time is spent is what you are worshiping?

Does this mean you have to spend two hours every morning in silence reading Scripture and praying to God? Nope! But it does mean we have to put God first; this week and next and the next.

We must stop and ask ourselves are we taking time daily to talk with (& listen) to where God is calling us? I mean really take time, not just the 'after-thought' time! Are we joining others in (corporate) worship on a weekly basis? And outside of that are we joining in fellowship with other believers? (i.e. a small group, Bible Study, class, youth group, or something to help us continue to grow Spiritually)

And lastly, are we sharing all of this with those we encounter in our lives? Yes, it's the "E" word - Evangelism, and Jesus calls us all to 'go out and make disciples.'

So, what are you going to worship this week? What are you going to put First?


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