Thursday, September 30, 2010

My Sun Stand Still prayer

As I mentioned in an earlier blog post I was just finishing up Steven Furtick's book "Sun Stand Still." If you haven't yet you should really go pick up a copy or two (one for a friend). Anyway as I've worked through the book and done some thinking - I've come to my first 'Sun Stand Still' prayer...

Many of you know I've been working with Yellow Ribbon Suicide Prevention to help launch a new campaign (Restore Hope, RHC) - well it's been on the drawing board long enough - it's time to launch this thing and get ready to hit the road with the national tour. In order to launch the project they need to hire a Project Coordinator, and a few other minor things that bring with it a price tag. The 'tag' for the first year is $50k (salary, taxes, equipment, Coordinator's travel...)

I want to ask two things of you:

1. What can you do to spread the word?
(who might you tell about Yellow Ribbon?)
you might consider joining the YR Cause on FaceBook and then inviting all of your friends to join us, or talk with your family, friends, neighbors, co-workers, classmates, random dude on the street, etc...

2. What can you give? Yes, I'm talking your hard earned $$$. Believe me - every dollar helps reach that goal. If just 5,000 youth across the nation got a hold of this and each gave $10 - we'd be there. Or a handful of churches got on board and chose to support YR as a mission of their church.

The bottom line is that too many people out there are taking their own lives...Yellow Ribbon wants to bring more awareness to this subject and continue to help save lives. Joshua had the faith and persistence to ask God to do the impossible. Will you be a part of a 'sun stand still prayer' or will you sit on the sidelines and watch?


1 comment:

Jeff said...

Check out this report on depression in the US. It is a major issue and only growing with the economic downturn. Dealing with depression effects entire households. Yellow Ribbon is a part of the solution, a life line to many.