Friday, September 17, 2010

What If His People Tithed!

Stick with me here - this ones about money - but read through and see what could happen if His people tithed!

Matthew 6:24 says we cannot serve two masters! you will hate one and love the if you love _____ God, yup that's right hate!

Malachi 3:10 - bring the whole tithe into the house (hint: house is The Church) - God says test me in this - and He will open up the floodgates of Heaven. Anyone know what one other time God opened the floodgates of Heaven? That's correct - the Flood! You remember Noah....that's how much blessings God will pour out on you if you put Him first! You cannot out-give God - try it!

John 3:16 - (come one say it with me....we all know it) God so loved the world that he gave His only son -- God gave Jesus as His tithe - and even God couldn't out-give Himself...He gave Jesus and received millions (& counting) of souls in return

So what if, what if The Church (in America) those who claim to be Christian (according to a 2008 ARIS survey) numbering somewhere around 173,402,000 of the U.S. population were to tithe. Now, I know what you're saying how can you figure what each of those persons makes in order to figure what their tithe would be? Well, we can't - but we can figure it based on the poverty guidelines.

Let's for a moment assume every one of those 173+million U.S. Christian's only made $10,830/year (poverty for 1 person household) and each of them gave just 10% to the church (doesn't matter which one - just open the phone book and pick one) we would see $187,794,366,000 in one year! That's 187 Billion dollars.

What if we did the same math with a 4 person household ($22,050) at poverty level tithing? $382,351,410,000

This is just poverty level. Sure there are some Christian's that may make less (college students, teenagers, unemployed, etc.) but there are also many that make much much more. So, what if? What could The church accomplish if everyone of us let go of what we've been holding onto and gave to God just a tiny bit of what He has already given us? It's not our money anyway - you can't take it with you. What if we stopped robbing God?

My point it that even in a down economy - if every single one of us (Christian's) were only making poverty level - and still faithfully giving to God out of a willing and blessed heart - The Church would be able to feed for the hungry, clothe the naked, shelter the homeless, and so much more. Think about how we could impact The Kingdom. We could do what we were originally called to do - what we've turned over to the government (welfare) to do, people would be happier, cared for, loved & we wouldn't have to complain about crummy gov't management of the welfare program - cuz there would no longer be a need - Christ will have met the need through us - His church!

Are you tithing? I hope so, cause it's an amazing blessing to be a giver. And that part about testing God (Malachi 3) - let me let you in on a secret - it's true...just trust God!

Giving - because He first gave,


Max said...

Isn't it amazing what you can do now that you have finished that math class?

someone had to say it.

Russell Earl Kelly said...

Can you and your wife live on $14,000 per year and still buy medicine, food and shelter?

Tithing is NOT a portion of our income. True biblical HOLY tithes were always only food from inside Israel which God had miraculously increased off His HOLY land. Tithes could not come from what man produced, from Gentiles or from outside Israel (Lev 27:30-34).

Tithing is NOT a way of learning to trust God and honor him. It was cold hard Law expected from food producers who lived inside Israel.

Tithing is NOT a command of God upon the Church. It was only commanded to Israel who was commanded NOT to share its covenant with Gentiles. Those who received Levitical tithes were not allowed to inherit or own property in Israel (Num 18:21-28).

Though money was essential for sanctuary vows and poll taxes, money was never tithed (Ex 22:25; 30:13).

Tithes could not be used to buy building material for the Temple or to send out missionaries.

The test of Malachi 3:10 is the test of the whole law. Obey all to be blessed; break one to be cursed (Deut 27:26; Gal 3:10).

Nothing about OT biblical tithing is taught today. NT giving principles are: freewill, generous, sacrificial, joyful, not by commandment and motivated by love for God and lost souls (2 Cor 8 and 9).

Chris said...

I'm sorry Russell, I guess we'll have to agree to disagree. I stated my points/beliefs in my post, and will stand by them as I've witnessed first-hand the blessings my wife and I have received by honoring God with our tithe.

Thank you though for taking the time to read and then respond - most people just find something they disagree with and go off angry and will not talk about it in a civil way.

Blessings to you this day,