Thursday, November 20, 2008


So, I'm here in Nash-vegas....really tryin to figure that one out...

Anyway - picking up in Denver (where we left off)

The next flight was not as "entertaining" and really I can't think of much to say about on to the shuttle (way to go YS - you dropped the ball on that one) how do you expect several hundred youth leaders to get into two 10-passenger vans??? We are not clowns and this is not the circus - I know it may confuse some at times - but really it's no circus we are all professionals here. I have to say I'm severely disappointed with YS on this!

Other than that bit of mess things this evening went pretty well - the YS Store had the big sale - the exhibit hall welcome session was good - lots of new connections and lastly we're finally in our room...wish us the best as things really get underway tomorrow - we're going to start walking back to the Convention center now so we can be in time for Crowder at Gen Session 1.


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