Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Reflections on "The Calling"

So, it's time to look back, but more importantly to look forward!

I have to say that the one thing I hope anyone who was on the trip will remember one thing - the fact that you found a support family - a support system. I've heard it from most all of you in the past week and a half, you came into this trip all from a different place in your journey - the commonality for all of you is your FAMILY of support to help you in each step of the journey.

Please don't forget what you found on this trip.

check out Jeff's reflections on the trip over at his blog...

Now, whether you were on The Calling or not - it's time to look forward...get out your calendars and open up to June 2009....now leave it there, watch in the next several days for a registration form for our 2009 Summer Missions Camp! We hope each of you will be able to attend this life-impacting and changing experience for all Jr & Sr High youth!


1 comment:

Jeff said...

Hey, I'm ready and I've already marked my calendar!