Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Finished (120)

Today was the final work day! In four work days our 39 youth and leadership have put in over 800 man hours. Pretty good for a group of crazy teens! During our four days we worked with the following agencies:
  • YMCA Camp of the Rockies
  • Victims Advocacy (shelter)
  • a local church's paintball ministry
  • Lost Antlers Ranch
  • Estes Lake
Now it's off to final prep on a camp fire and our evening activity (worship planning for the 21st - we hope you'll all join us for worship in the park 10am this Sunday - lunch provided afterward.)


1 comment:

pitcher12k said...

dont forget Habitat for Humanity!!
its been neat reading through these and reminiscing...if thats how you spell it. i havent been here for a while, as you can probly tell...we should chat soon :)

hahah oh beeteedubs, hope lunch with Herman went well!