Monday, June 15, 2009

I'm Tired... (115)

I'm sitting on the floor of my room and I can't come up with a good title for this post?!?

Today was a different day (good though) for us to experience. As I mentioned earlier today was our Sabbath day - it was for a time of rest and reflection. We also worshiped at the chapel here at the Y-Camp.

Several of the youth got together after lunch today and had an impromptu Bible study - they just circled up in the meeting room and had at it. Another group decided they were going to hike to the top of the mountain and have a study up top.

We ended up with about 5 minutes of rain. Only a few 'administrative' complications came up today - so Jeff and I will be meeting with both the Group booking manager and the Volunteer Coordinator from the Y-Camp tomorrow morning first thing.

Sorry for the short post - but as you can see it's late and we've got a bit more to do before we can turn in.

Parents - your teens are having a great time and growing closer to each other and God. I think they'll have some good stories to share when they get home.

Good night moon,

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